We cross our forehead so that the Word of God may be in our thoughts & purify our minds.
This blog is intended to provide basic information for my students and their parents to learn, review and for their enrichment. Special thanks to all video creators and photo owners.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Sunday, December 9, 2018
5 Steps To End Your Day Before Going to Bed
At night, quiet your self and rest in God's presence for a few moments..
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Thanks God for the gifts of the day. |
Thursday, November 29, 2018
All about Advent ... ( videos)
This two minute of Advent season will give children basic meanings of the season to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. It is quite interesting also for adults to remind the season in the mist of our busy-ness of life before Christmas.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Communion of Saints
In November, we honor the saints and also remember the souls in Purgatory. The Catholic Church reminds us to unite with all members through our prayers & sacrifices. All for the love of Jesus. We are to pray for our brothers & sisters in Purgatory who are waiting to be purified to reunite with Christ and one
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Who Are the Saints?

November starts with the Feast of All Saints. The feast of the Saints reminds us that God is holy and He constantly calls us to holiness. But, who are the Saint?
- They are special friends of God.
- They are very close to
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Science and the Rosary
More than a century ago a proud university student boarded a train in France and sat nextto an older man who seemed to be a peasant of comfortable means. The brash student noticed that the older gentleman was slipping beads through his fingers. He was praying the rosary.
"Sir, do you still believe in such outdated things?" the student inquired.
"Yes, I do. Don't you?" the man responded. The student laughed and admitted, "I do not believe in such silly things. Take my advice. Throw the rosary out the window and learn what science has to say about it." "Science? I do not understand this
Friday, October 19, 2018
What exactly do we do when we pray?
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Why Are We Praying the Rosary?
October & May are the two months the Church dedicates to Mary by praying the Rosary, and here are some reasons:
1) It's biblical (based on the Bible)
- The Rosary contemplates the great mysteries
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
What is a Saintly relic?
1) What is a saintly relic?
- A relic is an item associated with Jesus, Mary or the Saint.
- Relics a usually displayed in containers called reliquaries so that Catholic may venerate them.
- Church altars also sometimes have a relic embedded on the side of the altar or a designated place in the church.
photo: A Dominican Sister is showing the relics in the chapel at St. Catherine Convent.
2) There are three classes of relics
- FIRST CLASS: A part of a saint's body such as a bone fragment, piece of skin, or hair.
- SECOND CLASS: A piece of a saint's clothing or something used by a saint.
- THIRD CLASS: An object which has been touched to a first or second class relic, including the tomb of a saint.
3) Why do we need relics?
- Relics are tangible reminders to us of the incarnational nature of our faith. Remember, the Word of God became flesh, and through the centuries countless saints have embodied what is means to live our faith.
- Relics also remind us that the saints are close to God and can intercede for us when we pray to them.
Saint pope John Paul II with St. Maria Goretti's relic. Photo: internet
Monday, October 15, 2018
The Story of the Rosary
The Rosary is a powerful weapon in our journey to Heaven. The story of the Rosary I found here below will help each one of us become more aware of it, especially during the month of October to honor Mary as she is the chosen One to become the Mother of God. The Rosary helps us to grow closer to Jesus through the 20 Mysteries.
** photo:internet.
The rosary is one of the most cherished prayers of our Catholic Church. Introduced by the Creed, the Our Father, three Hail Marys and the Doxology ("Glory Be"), and concluded with the Salve Regina, the rosary involves the recitation of five decades consisting of the Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and the Doxology. During this recitation, the individual meditates on the saving mysteries of our Lord's life and the faithful witness of our Blessed Mother.
Journeying through the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the rosary, the individual brings to mind our Lord's incarnation, His passion and death and His resurrection from the dead. In so doing, the rosary assists us in growing in a deeper appreciation of these mysteries, in uniting our life more closely to our Lord and in imploring His graced assistance to live the faith. We also ask for the prayers of our Blessed Mother, who leads all believers to her Son.
The origins of the rosary are "sketchy" at best. The use of "prayer beads" and the repeated recitation of prayers to aid in meditation stem from the earliest days of the Church and has roots in pre-Christian times. Evidence exists from the Middle Ages that strings of beads were used to count Our Fathers and Hail Marys. Actually, these strings of beads became known as "Paternosters," the Latin for "Our Father."
The structure of the rosary gradually evolved between the 12th and 15th centuries. Eventually 50 Hail Marys were recited and linked with verses of psalms or other phrases evoking the lives of Jesus and Mary. During this time, this prayer form became known as the rosarium ("rose garden"), actually a common term to designate a collection of similar material, such as an anthology of stories on the same subject or theme. During the 16th century, the structure of the five-decade rosary based on the three sets of mysteries prevailed.
Tradition does hold that St. Dominic (d. 1221) devised the rosary as we know it. Moved by a vision of our Blessed Mother, he preached the use of the rosary in his missionary work among the Albigensians, who had denied the mystery of Christ. Some scholars take exception to St. Dominic's role in forming the rosary. The earliest accounts of his life do not mention it, the Dominican constitutions do not link him with it and contemporaneous portraits do not include it as a symbol to identify the saint.
In 1922, Dom Louis Cougaud stated, "The various elements which enter into the composition of that Catholic devotion commonly called the rosary are the product of a long and gradual development which began before St. Dominic's time, which continued without his having any share in it, and which only attained its final shape several centuries after his death." However, other scholars would rebut that St. Dominic not so much "invented" the rosary as he preached its use to convert sinners and those who had strayed from the faith. Moreover, at least a dozen popes have mentioned St. Dominic's connection with the rosary, sanctioning his role as at least a "pious belief."
The rosary gained greater popularity in the 1500s, when Moslem Turks were ravaging Eastern Europe. Recall that in 1453, Constantinople had fallen to the Moslems, leaving the Balkans and Hungary open to conquest. With Moslems raiding even the coast of Italy, the control of the Mediterranean was now at stake.
In 1571, Pope Pius V organized a fleet under the command of Don Juan of Austria the half-brother of King Philip II of Spain. While preparations were underway, the Holy Father asked all of the faithful to say the rosary and implore our Blessed Mother's prayers, under the title Our Lady of Victory, that our Lord would grant victory to the Christians. Although the Moslem fleet outnumbered that of the Christians in both vessels and sailors, the forces were ready to meet in battle. The Christian flagship flew a blue banner depicting Christ crucified. On October 7, 1571, the Moslems were defeated at the Battle of Lepanto. The following year, Pope St. Pius V established the Feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7, where the faithful would not only remember this victory, but also give thanks to the Lord for all of His benefits and remember the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother.
The fact that our Church continues to include the Feast of the Holy Rosary on the liturgical calendar testifies to the importance and goodness of this form of prayer. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."
Fr. Saunders (from EWTN)
** photo:internet.
The rosary is one of the most cherished prayers of our Catholic Church. Introduced by the Creed, the Our Father, three Hail Marys and the Doxology ("Glory Be"), and concluded with the Salve Regina, the rosary involves the recitation of five decades consisting of the Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and the Doxology. During this recitation, the individual meditates on the saving mysteries of our Lord's life and the faithful witness of our Blessed Mother.
Journeying through the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the rosary, the individual brings to mind our Lord's incarnation, His passion and death and His resurrection from the dead. In so doing, the rosary assists us in growing in a deeper appreciation of these mysteries, in uniting our life more closely to our Lord and in imploring His graced assistance to live the faith. We also ask for the prayers of our Blessed Mother, who leads all believers to her Son.
The origins of the rosary are "sketchy" at best. The use of "prayer beads" and the repeated recitation of prayers to aid in meditation stem from the earliest days of the Church and has roots in pre-Christian times. Evidence exists from the Middle Ages that strings of beads were used to count Our Fathers and Hail Marys. Actually, these strings of beads became known as "Paternosters," the Latin for "Our Father."
The structure of the rosary gradually evolved between the 12th and 15th centuries. Eventually 50 Hail Marys were recited and linked with verses of psalms or other phrases evoking the lives of Jesus and Mary. During this time, this prayer form became known as the rosarium ("rose garden"), actually a common term to designate a collection of similar material, such as an anthology of stories on the same subject or theme. During the 16th century, the structure of the five-decade rosary based on the three sets of mysteries prevailed.
Tradition does hold that St. Dominic (d. 1221) devised the rosary as we know it. Moved by a vision of our Blessed Mother, he preached the use of the rosary in his missionary work among the Albigensians, who had denied the mystery of Christ. Some scholars take exception to St. Dominic's role in forming the rosary. The earliest accounts of his life do not mention it, the Dominican constitutions do not link him with it and contemporaneous portraits do not include it as a symbol to identify the saint.
In 1922, Dom Louis Cougaud stated, "The various elements which enter into the composition of that Catholic devotion commonly called the rosary are the product of a long and gradual development which began before St. Dominic's time, which continued without his having any share in it, and which only attained its final shape several centuries after his death." However, other scholars would rebut that St. Dominic not so much "invented" the rosary as he preached its use to convert sinners and those who had strayed from the faith. Moreover, at least a dozen popes have mentioned St. Dominic's connection with the rosary, sanctioning his role as at least a "pious belief."
The rosary gained greater popularity in the 1500s, when Moslem Turks were ravaging Eastern Europe. Recall that in 1453, Constantinople had fallen to the Moslems, leaving the Balkans and Hungary open to conquest. With Moslems raiding even the coast of Italy, the control of the Mediterranean was now at stake.
In 1571, Pope Pius V organized a fleet under the command of Don Juan of Austria the half-brother of King Philip II of Spain. While preparations were underway, the Holy Father asked all of the faithful to say the rosary and implore our Blessed Mother's prayers, under the title Our Lady of Victory, that our Lord would grant victory to the Christians. Although the Moslem fleet outnumbered that of the Christians in both vessels and sailors, the forces were ready to meet in battle. The Christian flagship flew a blue banner depicting Christ crucified. On October 7, 1571, the Moslems were defeated at the Battle of Lepanto. The following year, Pope St. Pius V established the Feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7, where the faithful would not only remember this victory, but also give thanks to the Lord for all of His benefits and remember the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother.
The fact that our Church continues to include the Feast of the Holy Rosary on the liturgical calendar testifies to the importance and goodness of this form of prayer. Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."
Fr. Saunders (from EWTN)
Thursday, October 11, 2018
The Day the Sun Danced (movie)
In October, the Church especially honors Mary and remembers the Apparition of Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal. It's a wonderful cartoon movie to learn about the message that Mary wanted to give the world: pray the Rosary (to obtain peace for the world, to amend our lives (stay away from sin), and devote to Her Immaculate Heart of Mary.
the video can be found CLICK HERE
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
How Does the Catholic Church Officially Declare Someone a Saint? (Video)
We all are called to be holy because God is holy. The Catholic Church has a long tradition in honoring some people to the sainthood. As the feast of All Saints is coming, it is important to review the process of canonization in the Catholic Church so we can appreciate and be aware of our call to be saints. Click the video below:
This was found on Pinterest and created by Catholic Extension.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Simple Confession Diagram for Children
This diagram gives a simple structure of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and it was found online, so I put it here for you to help your child at home.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Daily 3 Minute Retreat/Meditation (video)
The 3 minute retreat if a short prayer break. It can be done anytime of the day to reconnect with God & yourself.
Click Here
Click Here
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
O Lord, Help Me to Carry My Cross! (video)
This a a very inspirational video I have found online and prayerfully hope that each one of us will always gladly ask for God's help in carrying our daily cross. Thanks so much to whoever made this video.. God bless
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Items Used at Mass
These items are used in the Catholic Church, especially at Mass. They are clearly explained and formatted well. These will help children learn new vocabularies and grow more awareness of the Mass. Click the link below:
Items Used for Mass
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Saints Coloring for Children
These links provide coloring pages for children to learn & color. Special thanks to the website owners. Click the links below:
Catholic Saints to Color
Saints to Color
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
How to Receive Holy Communion (video)
This is to help you know & understand how and why we receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Sunday, August 19, 2018
3 Great Moments of Salvation History (Kahoot Game)
Click on the link below and have your device ready. If you need help, please let me know. Enjoy!!
Click HERE to play the game!
photo: internet
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
Holidays of Obligation in the Catholic Church
These holidays are special feasts that are not on Sundays and Catholics are required to attend Mass.
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (January 1)
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (January 1)
- Ascension of the Lord (When celebrated on Thursday during the Easter season)
- Assumption of Mary (August 15)
- All Saints' Day (November 1)
- Immaculate Conception (December 8)
- Christmas (December 25)
Thursday, August 16, 2018
2nd Grade - 5 Steps of confession
1) Examine your conscience - remembering your sins
2) Contrition - deeply sorry for your sins (spend at least 5 minutes)
3) Confession - honestly confess your sins to a priest
4) Penance - an act or prayer given to you by the priest to make up for your sins.
5) Absolution - God's forgiveness through a prayer and action of the priest
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
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Let's discover, let's explore your creation and so much more. It's exciting; can't wait to see what you have in store. Sur...
In October, the Church especially honors Mary and remembers the Apparition of Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal. It's a wonderful cartoon ...
This a a very inspirational video I have found online and prayerfully hope that each one of us will always gladly ask for God's help in...